Wednesday 31 October 2018

I hope that it is auspicious, not ominous, to dare to write my first ever blog on this date.  It is a bit scary, though!

Suffice it to say that I wanted to do so now because we are very close to having enough money in the account to be able to buy the defibrillator.  There are a few questions that arise now that an idea is nearly a reality.

Firstly, which to choose?  There are quite a few models out there, each claiming many benefits.  The British Heart Foundation conducted extensive trials before selecting two models for their public access scheme.  They are: Zoll AED plus; and iPad SP1.  I propose to follow the BHF lead and to choose one of these.  If anyone has any knowledge of, or opinion about, either of the two, please let me know.  I am at present leaning towards the iPad SP1.

Secondly, where to locate the defibrillator?  In order to make it equally accessible to both of our wings, I propose putting it part-way down the garage approach, hidden from view from the car park.  It will need a heated cabinet to protect the battery.  Unfortunately, these devices are not immune from theft or vandalism, so we shall need a lock.  It has been suggested that we use the same code as for the staircase doors.  The extra money for the cabinet and the installation has yet to be raised.

Thirdly, may I ask for some help?  I need at least two people to be Examiners for the account.  It is not too onerous: simply to check that all the money is properly handled and be able to assure everyone that all is in order.

I shall post more whenever there is something to report.  Please pass on the link to this newsletter as necessary.